Monday, April 11, 2011

Tantrums never stop...

They don't stop. Tantrums start around age two, and then they just develop, grow in size and in their formidable nature. I should know, I'm a living, breathing TANTRUM. (Please refer to mama is a potty-mouth for details)
They're the venting, uncontrollable f^%k f^%k f^%k f^%k swearing, Coprolalia (ooh - nice word!) but for people without Tourette's. Isn't  The Scream by Edvard Munch just a tantrum? Why not? It should be!
f^%k f^%k c*^t

I should probably proffer an explanation: the unhealthy obsession I have with tantrums is because my nearly-three-years-old son seems to be having an awful lot of them right now. And part of me just says 'oh well, it's age-appropriate' another part wants to give in, the other part wants to be incredibly stubborn and just say 'no' to well, everything, and the other part of me goes, 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Mama having tantrum! and I can do tantrum bigger and louder'
(by this stage you may well ask: how many parts can one person list? oh there are so many....)

self portrait

ho hum. what to do?

I think that quite possibly the best, easiest way out of this situation is to do as follows:
  1. Eat a disgustingly large, obscene amount of chocolate-laden goodies
  2. Stay calm when toddler having tantrum and then reiterate the fact that the tantrum will not have desired effect
  3. Ensure that when parent (i.e. self) wants/needs/is about to have a tantrum, that I swear silently,  indiscriminately and internally ( f^%k c*^t sh*t, so on and so forth...)
  4. repeat step 1, often.
I could take up boxing to release all pent-up tantrum-energy, but who has the time? Anyway, I like my teeth as they are. (in mouth, still attached)
Although after step 1 repetition, they may well end up falling out anyway.