Wednesday, November 17, 2010

All hail the wordle!

Even though we’re texters, (oops, sorry, txters) we’re a visually minded bunch! And I know they’re not new but… I have seriously and deeply fallen in love with the WORDLE. Why, well… I love words (er. DUH) but I also love they way that they can transform into a cloud( – takes me back to the good ‘ol days of watching re-runs of Monkey)
Back to the wordle.

I wordled my blog:

And then I began looking for better, funkier wordle-tagcloud-makers.
Yes, I am completely addicted, but then I found this animated flash tagcloud generator and have been desperately searching for a way to transform it into being blogger-compatable. But alas, alack, I will have to make do with the static cloud version. *sigh* . I think I like it so much because it's just a great visual, yet textual, representational... thingy. (Yes, all my love of words, of being text-enamoured yet the coffee just hasn't kicked in yet, er will it ever, so all I can think of as descriptor is... thingy.)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Well… I’ve been BUSY

Doing what?

Writing a research proposal. Yes, the addiction to study has returned full force and has booted me fair and square on the butt. I have applied for a PhD. Will find out in December whether I am successful or not. Don't ask. Just know that I am completely nuts. Nuts nuts nuts.

Speaking of completely… we are completely up-the-duff again. Yes, partner is with-child. We are due mid-Jan. This time I shall include partner in the nuts nuts nuts / we are crazy description of self.
We don't get enough sleep with one! What are we going to do with two, I ASK YOU!

Writing a book. Still trying to finish. Have been researching lots. I write on the bus and at lunchtimes.


Would like to perhaps meditate on a calm image right now.
but instead shall leave you with this:

And THAT means that I shall just go stuff myself with pie. 
Any kind.
possibly chicken, and then cherry.
in that order.
no, not on the same plate.

Monday, June 7, 2010

the party to end all parties...

My son turned two on the weekend. TWO! My, how time flies... and we, like the gullible parents we are, decided to throw a party, a hoedown, if you will. Or maybe just a SUGAR-FEST. Yes, we had fairy-bread. We also had a gigantic Bob-the-Builder cake, and an OBSCENE amount of presents.

I even bought a rocket-ship pinata, but am very glad that we decided to forego this little treat because the idea of the gorgeous little munchkins all hyped-up on sugar, blindfolded and running around with sticks trying to bash things was probably not a good idea. We'll save that for the next time we ever decide to hold a party for our kids. Maybe we'll save it for when they get married. Yes, that sounds like a good idea. all I can really say at this stage is...

I AM EXHAUSTED. (so what's new?)

I tried to take photos and managed a few of the cake, but I was too busy burning the spinach and ricotta triangles, stepping over what felt like millions of children and generally trying to keep myself out of the state of party-panic that I was in. My son? I think he had a good time. I didn't really see him. He could have been sneaking shots of whisky down the side of the house for all I know. I do remember at one stage saying to someone who had asked for a 'job' to 'just make sure he's ok... that's your job.'

and GODDAMIT! To the family whose kids were generally rude, overbearing, poking my son's cake and who complained about, well... EVERYTHING, and who ran amok and who, at the end of the party asked if there were any lolly-bags, (LOLLY-BAGS! I am getting old. You didn't ask for things at parties, you went, you ate, you played, had a good time and behaved yourself, but you didn't ask for LOLLY BAGS! I'll give you lolly-bags you little...)
Deep breath...
Yes, to that family. I cannot wait until there is a party at YOUR house, because I am going to HAVE A GOOD AND COMPLETELY OBNOXIOUS TIME.
another deeeeeeeeeep breath.

Parties when I was a kid just weren't like that.
Maybe they were? I don't know. I can't remember. I am too old. My neck has started to sag. I've seen photos of it - it's true.

However, all ranting aside, it went off! My son had a great time and I got to see friends I haven't seen in years.
Next time (assuming there is a next time, I may have done my dash) I think I'll just stick with the chip-n-dip and say 'to hell with the spinach and cheese triangles and mini-sushi'

oh... yep. indeedy-doody. oh yes. uh-huh.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

do as I say... not as I do

Or should it perhaps be do as I do, not as I say?
(I don't think I ever got the hang of that maxim…)

and whilst I tried to ration my son's chocolate supply over Easter,
I did not ration myself and ate far too many creme eggs
and that's because I am a

I have not yet said this to my almost two-year-old son, but if I were to, I am sure he would repeat it.
repeat it.

Yes, he has got the case of the copies. Copies. And everything that my partner or I say, say, is repeated, repeated, until it becomes a case of echo... echo... echo...
Although I do have to admit that there are some words I rather enjoy hearing him say, like: dungarees
third time lucky I suppose.

We have this A-B-C cat book at home that has all kinds of ridiculously long and unusual descriptive terms in it (describing the cats) and I am dying to read it to him. It has fragments like 'daringly eats dragees, devilled drumsticks and donuts' and 'his name is Wilberforce, he lives in West Wittering' and I want my son to attempt saying West Wittering because, well, I admit it, I find it AMUSING. 
Does this make me a bad parent?

hell no... 
hey - what can I say... he called me Caroline the other day. CAROLINE not MAMA!
the nerve!
the cheek!

I almost wet my pants laughing.
kids - they're great - you get a belly laugh a day.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


If I get extra change from a small business owner, then I give it back, always.

If, however, I get extra change... or let's say one of the items is not scanned... or... well... if SOMETHING happens to my advantage and the perpetrator of said 'advantage' is an employee of a large, faceless corporation that most likely has many subsidiaries that wreak awful damage to the environment in one breath and yet financially supports high-profile 'reducing carbon emissions' strategies on the other hand...
Er... what I mean to say is that if I go to a supermarket that shall remain un-named and they undercharge me, then it's a LUCKY DAY.
No - I do NOT give it back. In fact, I goddamn well think I deserve a treat of free tampons, or 'buy ten items get eleventh free'. No I do not think that this will karmically (is karmically a word?) seek to bite me in the butt (hang on... maybe it will... see last post to find out exactly how this karma could be returned)
Maybe it's their karma as a large, faceless organisation to have this happen to them.
If, however, I went to the newsagent and they gave me change from a fifty and I only gave them a twenty - I would let them know. Why? 
Because I like them. Because it's their livelihood
Supermarket chains, however, are not people; so I say suffer in your mass-market-undies you corporate-[INSERT EXPLETIVE HERE].

what would YOU,
yes... YOU do if you had a lucky day at the expense of a large corporation?

I once bought an outdoor setting from a large hardware-chain-store that shall, again, remain un-named.
They charged me for one chair, not two. Every time I sit in that chair I feel lucky.

Call me dishonest, if you will. (Actually, please don't, I like to pride myself on my being honest and forthright for the most part, in fact if my friends saw me as dishonest I think it may well hurt my feelings.)

speaking of lucky... Happy St Pat's Day to all. May your day be filled with everything green and clover-ish, and may it be lucky lucky lucky!
Just don't do what some Chicago residents did to their river:

that can't be lucky for their fish.

Monday, March 8, 2010

just call me bubble-butt

or, bubble-gum-butt to be precise.

When I got dressed this morning, I though to myself, hell, why not, wear your good 'going-for-an-interview' garb. Not that I was going for an interview, there are just some days when it pays to look smart. Maybe it's a self-esteem thing, I dunno. But TODAY was ONE OF THOSE DAYS. So here I am, avec white shirt, waistcoat, good pants. oh yeah... I look gooooood...

And then I sat in chewing gum... could be bubble gum, not sure, I didn't want to check the flavour of it. Especially because it's located in that particular spot that is right between the cheeks, oh yes, it is in seam-land.
I look like I crapped my pants. (Lime-green crap to be sure.)

And there aint nothin' I can do about it until I get home.


Had to spend an inordinate amount of time this morning picking my butt in a disgustingly concentrated sphincter-fondling sort of way. And every time I get off a chair I have a velcro-moment. All I need now is someone to write 'kick me' on my white shirt and quite possibly shave off one of my eyebrows.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

mama is a potty-mouth

F**K, sh*t, f**k, sh*t, f**k, f**k, f**k, c**t.
believe it or not, I am trying NOT to swear, in fact, I am attempting to eradicate all manner of foul language from my vocabulary, because I don't want my son thinking that saying c**t is the socially appropriate thing to do - at least in pre-school anyway. Thing is, I never realised exactly how much I swore until I tried to prevent these words from escaping. In fact, I may well be developing a sh*t-f**k-f**k-crap form of tourettes because whenever I feel an opportunity for 'swearing-in-this-context-and-in-this-company-is-ok' I seize it with all the power my potty-mouth can muster.

Is it alright for parents to swear?

No it's not bloody alright, in fact it's completely f**ked. We are also not allowed to drink, smoke or, er... have sex. We are perfect, not puerile.
But I love the puerile. I miss the puerile.

in fact...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mmmm... NUM! NUM!

These are the words I hear from my almost-two-years-of-age son who is in the back yard, with me, pottering about. I call it pottering about because, well… that’s what we do.

He, of course, got a million and one things that bleep and whizz for Christmas (click here for details of last year's Christmas toy shenanigans) and my mantra for a while was ‘it’s tractor time! We’re off to the fields! Beep beep’ I have now succeeded in convincing toddler-son to accompany me and indeed help whilst I do jobs around the house. He rather likes to:
help me weed the garden: 'more weed?'
try to find the cat: 'cat?... gone!'
yes darling, she’s hiding… from you
or water the garden: 'more can?'

The only problem now is that if I stop to do something else, he doesn’t like it much. Yesterday I found myself putty-ing up the wood on an old stool that I had already puttied to within an inch of its life because he kept on chanting ‘more putty!’
Son is very bossy.

But sometimes… yes, sometimes he manages to amuse himself without my intervention and there follows a period of silence while he fiddles with whatever he is most likely not meant to be doing, like trying to pull out a tree.
He does finally get sick of this and finishes by saying ‘heavy!’

So when we were pottering in the garden and I heard nothing from the little tacker for a few minutes I thought I should investigate. I found him quite calmly and happily, sitting on the deck next to the cat’s bowl, eating her crunchies and saying ‘mmmmm! Num num!’

No darling, yukky! We don’t eat cat food.

I take away the bowl and he decides to throw a tantrum. (but will, fingers crossed, thank me for this later in life)
Thing is: he won’t eat fruit but he will eat cat food.
I want him to grab a strawberry and say num num, not the fishy vita-bites.